New Homeowner Quick Reference 2025 - download this resource as you settle into your new home!
Deeds, Covenants, and Restrictions for Oliver's Landing - OLOA-DCRs.8-6-13.pdf. Please read them as they contain valuable information every home owner should know.
Oliver's Landing has partnered with Flock Safety, a national neighborhood security provider that specializes in community safety through the use of license plate reading cameras. Oliver's Landing homeowners are encouraged to register their names and vehicle license plates to aid in a reported crime.
Please review the community outreach letter (2021) for more information. Contact the OLOA Board for a secure registration link. Brief instructions are also available to aid you with the registration process.
Application for Building Approval
Submit an OLOA Architectural Application(v 07-25-2024) to OLOA Board and reference the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). The ARC will forward the application to the OLOA Board once the ARC has given their approval.
- Grinder Pump Maintenance Recommendation --- Place a liberal amount of Pine-Sol in your drains/toilets each month. This will keep the inside of your pipes clean as well as your grinder pump. Only deposit bodily waste and toilet tissue into your toilets. This will ensure longer life and easier operation of your pump.
- The contact for approval and permitting of a boat dock for Duke Energy:
Lake Services & Shoreline Management - For information on making changes to piers, docks or shoreline property, contact: Lake Services at LakeService@duke-energy.com or call: 704-382-8086 or 800-443-5193. - Each homeowner can setup an access code for the Oliver's Landing dock - send your request to OLOA.board@gmail.com
- Planning on making changes to your house, building a pier, boat house, etc? Please contact our Architectural Committee Chairman, Phil Paspa, at 828-612-0025. For more information, go to Resources tab and click on Useful Contact Information.
- Notice a Street Light out or pole down?
Please contact DUKE Power: 1-800-777-9898 or visit website to request a repair: https://www.duke-energy.com/Customer-Service/Request-Light-Repair - For updates, changes or corrections to the Homeowner Directory, please send an email to the Communication Committee Chair
- Oliver’s Landing Homeowner Facebook group
Note: this group is managed by an Oliver’s Landing home owner and is not associated with the OL HOA